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Captain’s Log – September 1st, 2015

By September 2, 2015Captain's Log


A lot of work is happening in the studio!  New insulation was installed in the ceiling.  We got a great deal and already the warehouse is cooler.  Curtis Short, our Studio Manager, has been handling these projects.  And he took the opportunity to totally organize everything on the stage space.  So things are cooking!


The insulation is for the ridiculous heat in Valencia


The insulation also muffles what little sound gets up that high.

Perks 8.24.15

Meanwhile, Diana ships lots of boxes to donors!  The bulk of the International shipments from the Prelude to Axanar Kickstarter are done.  This month, after we get back from Dragon Con next Monday,  Diana will start shipping the CDs/DVDs/Blu-rays to all other Prelude Donors.  No rest for the con-weary!


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