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Christmas in… August?

By August 22, 2015August 26th, 2015Donors, Fundraising & Fulfillment

We may have missed out on the more-commonly seen “Christmas in July” thing, but it’s definitely feeling like “Christmas in August” around here right now, after receiving boxes (and boxes and boxes and still more boxes) yesterday…


There’s a whole palette of these!


Boxes which, I should mention, are chock-full of these little babies…


For the near future, these shall otherwise be known as “My Precious(es)”… 😉

YES! It’s the long- and eagerly-awaited Blu-rays and DVDs of our award-winning short film, PRELUDE to AXANAR!!

(Aren’t they absolutely GORGEOUS?!)

Seriously, folks… how many small indie movies have such polished, professional packaging? (Trust me, not many.) We couldn’t be happier with the final result. (And so worth the wait; the best things are never just thrown together slapdash, you know. 🙂 )

PRELUDE Disc backs

(All shrink-wrapped for protection, even!)

Of course, now the “fun” (ehem) begins: shipping THOUSANDS of them out! (That sound you may have just heard? It was me, gulping at the thought of what lies ahead…)

For the benefit of anyone who isn’t a regular reader of my blog — and a refresher, for everyone else — let me break down what comes next:
*As promised, I will be shipping out the PRELUDE to AXANAR Kickstarter full donor kits to all remaining international donors, first. (You guys definitely deserve it, after waiting patiently for your rewards all this time! 🙂 )

*Next, the PRELUDE Kickstarter donors in the U.S. who are due movie discs will be receiving theirs (along with their soundtrack CDs, which have waited to ship so they could go out together).

*Finally, everyone who donated after the PRELUDE Kickstarter for a PRELUDE package which includes either a DVD or Blu-ray — meaning anyone who donated directly through Paypal OR who selected one of the “Retroactive PRELUDE packages” from the Donor Store — will have their kits shipped out.

*Last but not least, those who donated recently for the One-Day-Only “Special Perk #3” in the Indiegogo campaign, will have their PRELUDE discs (either DVD or Blu-ray, your choice) shipped out.

A gentle reminder, loyal supporters… please don’t ask me repeatedly if your kit/disc/stuff has shipped, or not. I am honestly talking THOUSANDS of these, AND it’s still convention season, which means I’ll be frantically shipping whenever I’m not out spreading the word about AXANAR at conventions… so your patience is still greatly appreciated. 🙂

PRELUDE Disc fronts

Oh, but what if you have not yet donated at a level that includes a PRELUDE disc? Never fear — they’re available via donations in the Donors Store on the website, here.

Happy Trekking, everyone! 🙂



Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Ben Willis says:

    Thank you, Diana, oh Goddess of Fulfillment! I appreciate your highly detailed (and of course very fair) description of the order in which these will be shipped.

    One teensy question: Will there be a place in Ares Digital to specify if we prefer DVD or BluRay? I don’t recall seeing a place to specify which in Secret Perk #3, perhaps I missed it?

    • Diana Kingsbury says:

      Ben, there probably will be a place to note that *eventually*, but with so very many projects on our collective plates, it isn’t one of the things Terry and I will be getting to any time soon.

      So, for now, I’m just asking people emailing me, if they want a DVD. (If I don’t hear from someone, I’ll send them the special perk as it was listed, which was for a Blu-ray. 🙂 )

      • Ben Willis says:

        Thank you, Diana! I’ll just sit quietly and patiently await my Blu-ray, I won’t utter a sound – well except praise and thanks, that is!

  • Ken Black says:

    Hi Diana,

    The way you and everyone on the Axanar team keep us all informed is great! And I have to say, that yes, the picture of the DVD and Blu-Ray of Prelude is absolutely gorgeous — and so is the one holding them up for display 🙂


    • Diana Kingsbury says:

      Thanks, Ken! It’s nice to be appreciated… for all sorts of reasons, lol! 😀

  • Emilio says:


    Thanks, Diana!

  • Tiny says:

    Eagerly awaiting the Bluray, etc., but I would really just like to thank the whole team for what you have achieved thus far. An excellent short fan film, with a great soundtrack, cast, and director.
    The glimpses of Axanar have been wondrous to behold, and with the fan base growing exponentially, this bodes well for the funding for ALL the episodes! Special mention for Terry, whose amazing work has given birth to Ares Digital…a great piece of programming, sir! And, of course, to our lovely Goddess of Fullfilment, Diana…THANK YOU!! Hope to see you all in Vegas next year!

  • Am happily expecting a ‘Christmas in early September’, but don’t fret, I backed ‘Space Command’ back in May 2012 (estimated delivery 2013) and still nothing, except a few unfinished snippets. Axanar rules definitely 🙂

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