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Captain’s Log – August 20th, 2015

By August 21, 2015July 30th, 2016Captain's Log

Thursday, August 20th, 2015

Today was a day spent prepping for my surgery in the AM.  Don’t worry, it is outpatient surgery and fairly routine.  Sure, any surgery sucks, but I always have a good attitude when I have to go to a hospital.  Usually the nurses are amazed and my excellent blood pressure considering I am in a hospital and compliment me on the quality of my veins (I guess that is a big deal with nurses!).  So I spent the day taking these nasty meds, and stayed home.  It did give me the chance to catch up on the Captain’s log though, which I truly enjoy.


The Captain’s Log serves two great purposes:

First it allows me to share with you, our loyal fans, what is happening on a daily basis on Axanar.  And keeping you all informed is very important.

Second, it allows me to create an ongoing log so when Marc Cushman writes “The Making of Axanar” book, he has a journal to read to set some context for all the emails he will dig through.

Because of this, I try not to miss a day.  So forgive me if I fall behind now and then, but I always try and catch up because it is important to chronicle what is happening


Now if you are a donor, you should have gone through Ares Digital already.  It is our new database and digital perk delivery system.  It is how you make sure we have your accurate information and how you get your digital perks.  This system is ground breaking as no other crowd funded campaign has developed their own system like this.  And we hope to make this a fund raiser for Axanar with other campaigns paying to use the system.  Adam Nimoy’s “For the Love of Spock” is the first campaign to use our system, and we hope to get some great feedback and a good testimonial from them.


And PLEASE make sure you are voting every single day for Axanar in the Short Film Category of the Geekie Awards!  You can vote every single day through the end of the month!


Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Brian Heite says:

    Alec, good luck on your trip to Wonderland, and I hope you recover quickly! Just don’t be down the rabbit hole too long. That said, everyone should be applauding your wisdom in building Ares into a self sustaining organization, and also serving up valuable services to the fan funding community. If we could just come up with a way to crowdfund and not have to pay the fees, that would be so much more efficient , though I know when you start trying to move money there always seems to be someone either telling you why you can’t or how much they want to do it. That said, you are doing the right thing and the donors should really be excited that you are looking to a future and really making their donations go a long way. Thank you for being such a responsible steward of our resources! Axanar is heading to the standards division as an example for all future efforts.

  • Kevan says:

    Alec, hope the surgery went as planned and you have a speedy recovery. I really appreciate your daily logs, Diana’s fulfillment blogs, and the contributions from the site’s other hard working writers. Staying in the loop on a daily basis makes me feel engaged in the process of making this movie. I’m always looking forward to new posts. LLAP.

  • Ben Willis says:

    Alec, hard to top what Brian and Kevan have to say. You’ve obviously been through a lot, I hope you heal quickly and take some time for yourself. You do such a fantastic job keeping us informed with everything that’s going on, so glad to hear that you now have many more people to help with this project. Qapla’

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