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Captain’s Log – August 18th, 2015

By August 20, 2015Captain's Log


$ 14,000 since the Indiegogo campaign ended!  Thanks to Indiegogo’s “In Demand” feature, people can keep donating and getting perks.  And in our first week, we raised another $ 14,000.  That was pretty awesome, and done without any advertising on our part, just fans finding the campaign on their own.

So we will continue this campaign, as well as start a Patreon campaign soon, which has been requested by donors who want to give to Axanar every month.  So stay tuned and THANK YOU!

Starfleet Medical

For me personally, today was a day dealing with a small health issue.  After realizing the “specialist” I was referred to wasn’t a specialist at all, I had to get a new specialist, and find one “in network” with Blue Shield, my heath insurance provider.  Fortunately I found an amazing doctor I was really happy with.  The bad news, he took one look at my problem and said it was off to surgery with me!  I was actually expecting this, and it is an out-patient surgery, so after Friday’s operation I will be back to working out full bore in two weeks!

Your health is the most important thing you have people.  Eating right and working out, not smoking nor drinking too much and generally taking care of yourself are important and I hope you all will do what it takes to live a healthy and long life.

Live Long and Prosper!!!!


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