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Captain’s Log – August 17th, 2015

By August 20, 2015Captain's Log


What happened today?  Not much.   Seems the worst of my cold and fever (aka Con Crud from the Vegas Star Trek convention) is gone, but my doctor’s appointment got pushed to tomorrow for another small health issue that is not making me happy.  The good news is I stay pretty healthy and so I take the rare health issue that pops up in stride.

Have gotten my emails under control finally, and now it is about finding people to execute certain roles that I have been handling myself.  April Eden has come on board as Unit Production Manager (UPM).  She is a big help as she did a superb job as line producer in the Vulcan scene shoot.  She will be taking the tasks of wardrobe coordinator, volunteer coordinator and art coordinator. Curtis Short, who was my right hand at Propworx for 5 years, has come on as Studio Manager, to turn Ares Studios into a self sustaining entity.  Curtis will finish off the work getting the warehouse portion of Ares Studios turned into a working sound stage.  That means renting Ares out to other productions.

This will be a huge help.  My focus needs to be on our finances, our overall strategy, and acting!  So getting good people on board is a priority to make Axanar work effectively.


Also, we will be attending the Central Coast Comic Con August 28-30 (aka Ventura Comic Con).  So if you are in the Southern/Central California area, come see our panel and booth at the show!



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