What’s that, you say? Could it really, finally, be time for the not-a-BackerKit (but something SO much better) checkout system for AXANAR? Indeed it IS!
It’s my great pleasure to announce that Ares Digital (Axanar’s proprietary digital delivery-&-account maintenance system) is ready for all of the AXANAR donors! So, no matter how you’ve donated to the AXANAR project (during the funding campaign, later via Paypal or a retroactive package, using Bitcoin, snailmailing a personal check, or whatever), your personal account at Ares Digital awaits.
Not only will Ares Digital function as the digital delivery distribution home AND your checkout system (letting you update your shipping address, email info, etc.), though… it will also, in the coming months, be able to keep track of all of your various donations and any Donor Store acquisitions. That means down the road, you’ll no longer have to go scrounging through your records, trying in vain to remember how much you donated, for what, and when (before contacting me with a big “SOS!!!” email); eventually, all of those items will be linked and easily searchable in one convenient location.
So, AXANAR donors, get ready to take that first big step: log into the new Ares Digital here, and set up those accounts! (And please note that any tech-specific questions regarding Ares Digital should always be addressed to our official technology expert, support@axanar.com.)
Until next time,
~Diana Kingsbury
Director of Fulfillment
Axanar Productions
Sweet Go AXANAR 🙂 Tyvm ALL 🙂
Great news, but a link within the body of the message would be appreciated.
As this post was an announcement made BEFORE Ares Digital was ready to accept all 10,000+ new donors, I didn’t want to include the link then… merely to let everyone know what to expect, shortly.
Now that it is open-for-business, though, you can simply go to http://axanar.ares.digital to begin the process of setting up your account. 🙂
Where do we go to do this?
http://axanar.ares.digital , Mike. 🙂
It only shows my Prelude stuff, and level. I donated a lot more to Axanar than Prelude. What am I missing?
We’ve since worked this out via email, but for everyone else the reason is that multiple email addresses were used amongst different donations. Ares Digital matches, and only knows donors, by the email address that was used when a donation was made. So, if a person has used multiple email addresses then they’re going to have multiple Ares Digital accounts.
That said, I’ll have a function in place in the next few days where folks can merge their multiple accounts in to one, so keep an eye peeled!
Excellent news – I’m in this boat after a Paypal donation!
I’ve registered my email address from the Indiegogo campaign but not the other – should I wait until the merge function is in place before doing so? Or should I go ahead, register both and merge them later?
Yes, please log in to Ares Digital and set a password on the accounts for any and all email addresses that you have used in the past for donations. The merge account function, which is coming soon and that will allow you to combine all separate accounts/donations under a single account, will require that a password be set as a security measure in order to perform the merge. Look for that soon under the “Account” menu once logged in to the AD platform. Thank you!
Makes perfect sense to me!
Thanks 🙂
Very nice… slick. High quality work all ’round — both back- and front-end work. Congratulations on a job well done!
Question #1, just a curiosity item really: The donation “counter” in the Reward Level column, in blue, changes colour to a darker blue when passed over by a mouse; does this have any significance?
For example, it doesn’t appear to be “clickable” in that doing so creates no action. Nor does it appear, as far as I can tell, any other purpose than noting it has been selected/clicked on.
Consider that little blue button a teaser for something that’s coming very soon! =)
Woohoo!!! Congratulations! Today really IS a good day to die!
Just where do we log-in, register and supply my address? Been waiting a long time, could have done a lot with that $100. Times are tight. Trying to be patient.
Thomas, now that Ares Digital is open, as of late yesterday afternoon, you may go to http://axanar.ares.digital to log-in and update your info.
While it is, of course, very good to have the accounts now in “check out” form–particularly so you can do things like update your email and shipping addresses, and keep track of the perks you’re in line to receive–please remember that this does *not* mean the rewards for your donation(s) to helping fund the AXANAR feature-length film are ready to be shipped; the rewards will be shipped out (and the AXANAR digital rewards made available) next year, once we’ve shot the movie. 🙂
Just use the menu at the top of this site to go directly to Ares Digital. Took me all of three seconds to find it.
This is great news! Ares Digital is quick and nimble, I’m looking forward to more! As a Software Engineer by trade, I understand how complex these things are behind the scenes, and to “make it look easy” means that you’ve thought this through, we all need to be patient as the new system gets its legs. Thank you Team Axanar!!!
I udated my info on ares digital. Also for perks, but i remember there was in my package also a signed photo. And i rememered i could choose the actor to sign it, but i did not get a chance to state wich actor on the site. Is this something for later of am i missing something?
Alessandro, please just email me (support@startrekaxanar.com) with your actor photo preference. (We should be adding that functionality into AD at some point, but for now, letting me know that way will be fine.) 🙂
Hello Diana, Since you stated to send this info to you. I also had the photo option, and would like one from Gary Graham. Thanx, C
OOhRah for Axanar.
If I win the lottery, I’m donating 5 million dollars for this production. I really believe in it. Keep up the great work people and I’ll try to donate again when I get the money.
Long life and prosperity
Love it! Just one trivial question. The site asks for additional info, including tee shirt size, which are listed as “Adult S,” “Adult M,” etc. Are these all men’s sizes, are does it depend on what I listed as my gender?
Mandie, I’ve answered you via email, but will answer here as well, for the benefit of others. We have both men’s/unisex and women’s t-shirts, so the shirt you get will be according to the gender you select. (So, a woman preferring a larger, “men’s” cut should select “male”…) 🙂