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Captain’s Log – August 16th, 2015

By August 18, 2015Captain's Log


Today started out with a 10am podcast with Geekapocalypse!  It was good fun and Steven, the host, turns out to be a huge Gary Graham fan as he loves Robot Jox!  So I am going to try and get Gary to join his podcast.

Robot Jox

In the afternoon, we had a meeting with a prospective Associate Producer named Andrew who is experienced in the entertainment industry, but wants to move from the entertainment media to movies/TV as we are doing.  It was a great meeting as Andrew doesn’t just want to donate at the Associate Producer level, but wants to be actively involved in the process.  So we are meeting Wednesday at the studio with Rob, as we see Andrew helping coordinate the story boarding and pre-production process.

Yes, we even work Sundays!



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