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Captain’s Log – August 15th, 2015

By August 16, 2015Captain's Log

Script 3

Today was another day recovering, but I made time to go get my printed out copy of the script bound at Kinkos (yeah I still call it that) and then started highlighting Garth’s lines.  5 months out from principle photography is the right time to start learning lines!

After that it was lunch with Richard Hatch, and a 2 hour discussion of all things Axanar.  It is always great to chat about everything Axanar with Richard as he is every bit as passionate about it as I am.

The evening was spent doing more Axanar work and then the 3 latest episodes of “Mr. Robot” with Diana.

It is nice to be home for a weekend for a change!


Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • It’s really funny, Alec, but with everything I read about and see you doing, I sometimes forget that you still have to STAR in this darned production! Of course you need five months to learn your lines, what were we thinking??? Will you be sending out the scripts to your other stars this week, as well?

  • JD says:

    SO excited to be back from my break and at just the right time, too. Can’t wait to get started on new things!

  • Chris Barber says:

    Oh, man…to have been that employee that bound Alec’s script…I wonder if they knew *exactly* what they were holding in their hand and what any one of us would have given to take just a peak!

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