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Captain’s Log – August 11th, 2015

By August 14, 2015Captain's Log



First of all, the Indiegogo Campaign ended at midnight with a whopping $ 473,592.  Not the $1.3 million we hoped for, but enough to get well over one act completed. And now the campaign is in “InDemand” mode, meaning we can keep raising money as the Indiegogo campaign will keep going.

Thank you all!

We got back from Vegas yesterday and today and we had a huge production meeting to kick off the new, locked script.  We welcomed new staff members April Eden (Unit Production Manager), Curtis Short (Studio Manager) and Bill Hunt (co-writer).  The clock is ticking and there is a lot to do.  Costumes are at the top of the list as they will take the most time.  We were also joined by Star Trek legend David Gerrold, who will be writing one of the stories in the Four Years War Anthology and is a script consultant.

After our meeting, we moved to the studio portion where we all checked out the bridge and discussed shooting on that set.

April Eden, Mike McDermitt, Dean Newbury, Jarrod Hunt, Curtis Short

Diana, John Iacovelli, Doug Knapp, Robert Burnett, Bill Hunt


DIT/Co-editor Bing Bailey and co-writer Bill Hunt

The team on the bridge

DP Milton Santiago, Producers April Eden and Michael DeMerrit

TV Veterans Doug Knapp and John Iacovelli

Rob preaches the gospel of Star Trek

Studio Manager Curtis Short and Construction Coordinator Dean Newbury

So, back to the grindstone!


Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Brian Heite says:

    Awesome work Alec! You have what looks like a great team to work on Axanar! At this rate, Axanar will go on to become a legend in Star Trek history. Have you formulated a plan to get the other part of the funding needed, or are you just moving on?

  • T'Mar says:

    Alec. Ur sooo very much busy. I can understand that the bridge is not ready yet.

  • Scott Voigt says:

    Excellent, so it continues… As just one fan who doesn’t understand everything Hollywood, could one of your videologs (or whatever you call it) introduce all of the new folks behind the scenes as well as what it is they really do (titles don’t mean a lot to me if I don’t understand what they do.). I have a feeling that there are a lot of fans out there who have no idea of what goes into the making of either a movie or a TV series for that matter, and I expect that these days there is a huge amount of overlap on both types of entertainment.

    Thanks again for all of the info that you have provided us over the course of this adventure. I for one look forward to learning more while waiting for the epic that you are putting together for both yourselves and all the other fans out there.



  • Martechi says:

    You guys are doing an amazing job! The bridge does look better and better. I’m sure you’ll get it all done in the end:) With such an amazing team, that should be no problem at all!

  • Robert says:

    My sincerest “Thank yous” go out to all my fellow donors and the entire Axanar team. Though it is taking some time, when the movie is released I’m confident it will exceed the expectations we all have for it. Congratulations everyone! On a side note, special request to the person on the Axanar Facebook page creating the Ares flybys of iconic Trek scenes. Can one or more be created using images from the New Horizons mission to Pluto? Pure awesomeness right there! Thanks.

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