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Vote for Axanar at the Geekie Awards!

By August 13, 2015February 2nd, 2016Film Festivals & Awards


Prelude to Axanar is moving at warp speed around the short film universe. In case you missed it, we’ve recently been nominated for a Geekie Award for the Best Short Film category, and here’s the best part. You get to decide the winning film!

Already winning several awards over the past year, it is no surprise that Prelude to Axanar is a strong contender for the Geekie Award, but there is some pretty good competition and we need your help to push us to the top.

Voting is easy and takes only a few seconds. There is no registration required and you can vote daily. We graciously invite you to take part in the effort and thank you for voting for Prelude to Axanar.

Here are the steps from the Geekie Awards page:

YOU the public will choose this year’s Geekie Awards winners! You can vote for your favorite nominee in EACH category ONCE A DAY. No sign up needed!

STEP 1) Click on a category icon to view the nominees in that category.

STEP 2) VOTE for your favorite! You can only vote for ONE nominee in each category per day.

STEP 3) Check out all of the other categories and vote there too.

STEP 4) Share your vote on social media.

STEP 5) Come back each day to vote again! The clock resets at 12:00 AM PST (Pacific) each day until August 31st 11:59 PM PST.



Team Axanar

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