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Captain’s Log – August 2nd, 2015

By August 4, 2015August 6th, 2015Captain's Log

IMG_4706Once again Prelude to Axanar gets selected by a major Film Festival!  This time the Sasquan International Film Festival, which is part of World Con, the legendary Science Fiction convention.

Galaticon 2

Kurt Cox (on left) and his Viper pilot friends!

Meanwhile, Diana and I took off from Galacticon (which was pretty dead on Sunday) and got a VIP tour of the Sci Fi Museum by curator Brooks Peck (who I have done business with before).  We were joined by Axanar wardrober Kurt Cox, who helps dress all our stars in both Prelude and the first scene.

After that Diana and I were guests of Paul Allen’s wonderful assistant Deborah Gunn at the Seattle Art Fair.  We had a blast, but honestly, I will take a good Bob Peak Star Trek Prelim anytime.


Star Trek III Bob Peak Prelim I own!

Evening consisted of dinner with the wonderful volunteers who rescued Galacticon from being a total disaster and then a drink at the famous Edgewater hotel.  Tomorrow its back to LA!


Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • T'Mar says:

    Enjoy U all hihi!


  • John says:

    WOW even when you all rest it’s work! THANX FOR ALL THE WORK YOU DO FOR US!!!!!!!

  • Ogreatgames says:

    Its great that this film is picking up steam! I had no idea Axanar existed until now. I wonder what the movie is going to actually be like? Also, I think it is rather creative to come up with a “captins log” as a blog type for updates.

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    Ohgreatgames, don’t miss the BLOG section of the website too. Over there they cover all kinds of topics.

  • Brian Heite says:

    Hey toss the Sci Fi Museum some Axanar stuff, that way all who go through it get a taste of it!

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