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Captain’s Log – July 31st, 2015

By August 3, 2015Captain's Log


Team Axanar visits the Emerald City!

Day One of Galacticon –  We arrived knowing that the con was having huge problems.  The promoter had resigned a few days ago because he totally screwed up and didn’t have the money to actually run the con.  Then there was talk of bankruptcy and just crappy communication.  Overall, the same disaster the show was two years ago.  This promoter had learned nothing.  None the less, the volunteers were picking up the slack and the Battlestar Raven fan club was doing a great job.  Axanar donor Cherry Oclima was leading the team trying to rescue the show and she did a great job.  We didn’t set up Friday as there were few people and we wanted to enjoy the con a bit first.

We had a panel on crowdfunding at 2:00 and had a group that started as 3, grow to 10.  So we pulled the chairs in a circle and had a really awesome little, intimate discussion about Axanar and what it takes to do a crowdfunding campaign.  New fans of Axanar, some old fans and a lot of fun.

At night it was Prelude to Axanar and Battlestar Galactica on the big screen!  The con had worked out a deal with a theater and Richard Hatch hosted a showing of the original Battlestar Galactica movie.  Richard also generously allowed us to to show Prelude to Axanar before hand!  It is always amazing to see it on a big screen!

TV Guide Kharn

After, Diana and I walked back to our hotel, stopped for some Italian food and had a nice, quiet evening.  Tomorrow is the con!


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