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Captain’s Log – August 1st, 2015

By August 3, 2015Captain's Log
Galaticon 5

Interesting restaurant name on a sign outside our panel room!

Galacticon Saturday

Today was Day 2 of Galacticon, but our first day of booth operations.  Our booth was pretty easy to set up, Diana has the whole process down.  And despite overall light attendance, we had about 150 in our panel (which was right after the BSG panel, so Richard urged everyone to stay, but it seemed like most were going to anyway.)  The room was a full-blown theater with great tech and Prelude looked amazing in Blu-ray.  We got so many great comments back on the panel, which was Richard, Diana and, me.  People were really excited who had not seen Prelude before.

Galaticon 4

And of course there was JG Herztler and Bob O’Reilly doing their Klingon bit.  They stopped by the Axanar booth for some fun with Diana.

At night we hung out with them again, along with our host Kyle Elliott at a great French restaurant, Maximillian’s, which was on the waterfront and then got driven back to our hotel in a limo, all courtesy of Kyle!  Thanks man!

Overall a great day.

Galaticon 3

Axanar donor Rod Fleck with Diana and me

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • James says:

    Diana’s uniform is awesome! great job everyone! I hope everyone who stopped by will go home and donate!

  • Ben Willis says:

    Thanks for keeping us so well informed! Great to hear about your adventures into the final frontier of fundraising and spreading the word that is Axanar! Awesome to hear that you get to have a little fun while doing this, you deserve it! I’m so proud to sponsor this project, I hope it continues to gather momentum. Qapla’ !!

  • Rod says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to meet, hang out and help out. Had a great time and the Klingon serenade and banter was hilarious.

  • Cliff B says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but if Diana were to wear her hair a certain way, I’m definitely seeing the new Janice Rand!!!

  • It was a thrill and an honor to meet you all at Galacticon 4 last weekend! I had hoped you would be there for day 3 to visit with you again! I loved the beautiful patches on display, and chatting with you, sharing the passion for this fantastic amazing and beautiful project! I am proud to be a donor, and hope to see you at other cons in the Pacific NW, spreading the word! I kick myself for not getting a photo with you all!
    I’ll keep spreading the word too! Thanks for taking time to chat and best wishes to you all.

  • Brian Heite says:

    Great to see you making the rounds, Seattle is the closest for me, I guess Portland doesn’t do much. Had to fly grandaughter back home to Virginia this weekend. Great to see how you guys are promoting it, and with your own merry men of Klingon to boot! Come to Portland guys!!!

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