While the latest Axanar crowdfunding campaign is now over its goal and still going strong, Prelude to Axanar is continuing to earn praise. Over the weekend, the 20 minute prequel film was nominated for Best Short Film alongside four other productions.
And, impressively, Prelude to Axanar is the only Star Trek production so honoured. The film also scored an Honourable Mention in the Trailers & Videos category, while StarTrekAxanar.com was similarly mentioned for the Websites & Blogs category. The Geekie Awards will be announced at a gala event at the Barker Airport Hangar in Santa Monica on the 15th of October, with a live stream at http://www.ustream.tv/TheGeekieAwards.
For those not in the know, The Geekie Awards have been running since 2013, and the show’s aim to is to offer “an award show by geeks for geeks,” aiming at promoting the work of independent creators. Last year’s awards also saw Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Levar Burton awarded Geek of the Year for his work both as a science fiction actor, and also for his Reading Rainbow children’s show.
Past winners of the Short Film category include The Hitchhiker, and Undying Love, so Prelude is in good company.