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Captain’s Log – July 18/19th, 2015

By July 20, 2015Captain's Log

Rob and Diana showing off the new patches.

Saturday July 18th & Sunday, July 19th

The weekend was fairly busy, as on Saturday we all were at the studio, packing envelopes with patches!  Diana has decided to ship out the $ 35 level First Fleet patch, as well as the two Stretch Goal patches, the Vulcan Second Fleet and the Andorian Third Fleet.  So any donor of $ 35 or more will get these patches separate from their shipment of other perks (which will go out next year).

If you donated LESS than $ 35, and therefore were not due any physical shipment, you will be asked to pay shipping of $ 5 domestic or $ 10 International.  This will happen through Ares Digital sometime in the next month or so.


1500 envelopes stuffed!


The team hard at work!

And here is an important graphic as to our Indiegogo campaign.  It shows where we are in relation to each of the four acts of Axanar.


We are working our butts off here.  Diana is ALWAYS answering emails it seems.  And she does an amazing job at it.   Boomer keeps her company…

Boomer Flowers 1

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Ben Willis says:

    Massive envelope stuffing party!! Hope everyone had fun in spite of it being _alot_ of work!

    Thanks for the graphic illustrating the fundraiser progress – puts many things into perspective. Seems like the momentum is picking up in the last few days, I hope it continues to build!


  • James Beltz says:

    This is going to an awsome film. Thanks for all your hard work and we look forward to helping out asap.

  • Rod says:

    Anyone else notice that Rob looks like the kid who just got given the keys to the candy store…. 😉

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