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Captain’s Log – San Diego Con Edition

By July 15, 2015July 16th, 2015Captain's Log

We started off Comic Con on Thursday with the Digital Bits panel.  This panel is hosted by Bill Hunt, the editor of The Digital Bits, the # 1 website on DVD/Blu-rays.  This year he featured Axanar in his panel, which gave us extra exposure.

SDCC 2015.9

The Digital Bits Axanar Panel

Diana worked all con long answering emails about the Indiegogo launch.  While I was down sick, she worked tirelessly to make sure fans got the answers they needed.

SDCC 2015.1

Diana working late and trying to not disturb me while I was sick.

But the con was a blast, even sick, and we spent lots of time with friends like Mary Anne Butler and Bill Watters.

SDCC 2015.2

Diana and Mary Anne sporting some sharp BSG tights

We hung out with Team Axanar all the time.  Basically, we are all friends in the first place, and who would you rather hang out with?

SDCC 2015.3

Rob and Richard at the BSG panel

Richard Hatch invited me and Rob Burnett to join the Battlestar Galactica Panel and it was a lot of fun.  Sadly, because of timing, it was about 1/4 the size of last year’s panel.

SDCC 2015.4

First panel of Comic Con

They treat you right at these panels.  You get your own name card and a bottle of water when you are a panelist.

SDCC 2015.5

Axanar Panel 2015

Then Friday we had the Axanar panel with (l to r) Mike Demeritt, Diana Kingsbury, Charles de Lauzirika, Alec Peters and Richard Hatch.

SDCC 2015.6

Axanar Panel audience

We had a wonderful surprise as Axanar super-fan Chris Mongson, sent us a bottle of our favorite type of wine (Sauvignon Blanc).  Diana and I felt like movie stars!  THANKS CHRIS!

SDCC 2015.7

A fine Sauvignon Blanc courtesy of super fan Chris Mongson awaited us in our room!

SDCC 2015.8

Cheers Chris!

SDCC 2015.10

The view from our room!

SDCC 2015.11

The Convention Center at dusk

We had a great room, with a wonderful view that was magical at night.  We had two great meetings at Comic Con, one which could directly impact the current Indiegogo campaign, and another which could be our first non-Star Trek project.

SDCC 2015.14

Rob, Mary Anne, Charlie, Alec, Diana and Cliff at dinner

SDCC 2015.15

Diana, Alec, Rob and Dave Dorman

Despite being sick, it was a good con, and Axanar’s first SDCC panel. Thank you to everyone for your support!


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