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Captain’s Log – July 13/14th, 2015

By July 15, 2015Captain's Log


The post-Comic Con decompression/recuperation was in full swing as I worked from home both days as I am recovering from what was clearly the flu.  Nice to get the flu the first day of Comic Con!  UGH!

I really am exhausted, so these two days were needed to not only catch up on work, but get the second wave of Indiegogo campaign marketing going.  On Tuesday Diana and I had lunch with Richard Hatch and his friend Kathrin.  Always fun chatting with Richard, but right after I was back home as this flu has really kicked my ass.  At night Rob Burnett and I did a podcast called “The Nerdcast”.  It goes live Saturday Morning at 7 am PDT on

Luckily we got back in touch with George Takei’s people and shared the image above of the ship we have created in honor of him, for his help in promoting our Kickstarter last year.  Stay tuned for more information on George’s play “Allegiance” which debuts on Broadway this Fall.

In the meantime, you should listen to The Ready Room from




Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • AK says:

    Great to see you’re back on your feet, I was go through Axanar updates withdrawal! I’m OK now 🙂

  • Ben Willis says:

    Wow, getting the flu at Comic-Con, then taking two days to “recover” by catching up on work instead of resting! You are a trooper, and you are doing it for all of us fans who are so excited about Axanar! Thanks for your dedication, your hard work, and the endless hours making your dream (and ours) come true!! Please take good care of yourself and get well!!

  • BL says:

    Keep us posted!

  • John says:

    Ok here I go again, where are the donors!!! Still not at the first level and we need so much more, come on people let hit a grand slam!!!!!

  • Stephen says:

    So sorry to hear that you all won’t be making it to Space City Con in Houston this year. But if you are under the weather it’s rest you need.

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