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Axanar on’s The Ready Room Podcast

By July 13, 2015Axanar News


We are excited to have been invited to The Ready Room podcast!  Here are the details….

The Ready Room 181: Axanar … It’s About What the Story Wants

There’s a movement that is taking Star Trek fandom by storm. It’s on a screen near you, but it isn’t coming from the studios you’d expect. The movement is Axanar, and it’s Star Trek that fans at conventions—seeing it on screen in the booth—have mistaken for the next TV series. After the success of Prelude, it’s time for the final push to film the full Axanar.

In this episode of The Ready Room, hosts C Bryan Jones and Norman C. Lao are joined by Axanar creator and executive producer Alec Peters and director Robert Meyer Burnett to discuss why they want to make the best independent Star Trek film you’ve ever seen, how they plan to do it, how you can help, and why they’re sure that the Star Trek universe really does exist.

In our news segment we discuss Adam Nimoy’s Kickstarter success, an official costume contest for Star Trek Las Vegas, and whether Star Trek 3 will pay homage to Star Trek V.

C Bryan Jones and Norman C. Lao

Alec Peters and Robert Meyer Burnett

For the Love of Spock Funded (00:05:13)
Official STLV Costume Contest    (00:13:47)
Star Trek 3 Loves Star Trek V? (00:26:21)

Feature: Axanar
What is Axanar? (00:36:56)
Born of FASA and Geekdom (00:45:28)
Canon, Time Periods, and Design Philosophy (00:51:04)
The Challenges of Continuity    (00:57:29)
Beholden to our Donors (01:07:07)
Collaboration Makes It Better    (01:13:53)
The Indiegogo Campaign (01:24:47)
Culmination of a Lifelong Dream    (01:49:26)
Closing    (01:55:33)

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