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Captain’s Log – July 4th, 2015

By July 5, 2015Captain's Log
Walker Party

Allison, Charlie, Jeff, Alec, Diana, Rob

Saturday, July 4th, 2015

Happy Independence Day everyone!  I hope everyone had a happy and safe fourth.  We here at Axanar started off our day by WORKING!  That is right, no rest for the Federation as I worked all morning cleaning out my email inbox and thankfully getting it down under 50!  That is 50 emails that need my effort to resolve.  I never count the junk mail and easy mail to answer.  A big accomplishment as I hate having unanswered emails, but many emails take a lot of effort to answer (For example one was a list of questions a college student wanted answered for her thesis on crowdfunding).

After that, Consulting Producer/special feature director Charlie de Lauzirika and director Rob Burnett came over and we all went to Jeff Walker’s July 4th party.  Jeff is the top independent film publicist in Hollywood and the party was a lot of fun with people like Wolverine creator Len Wein showing up.

We finished the night at Charlie’s house to watch some fireworks, and decided to meet at 11:00 up in Valencia to get work on the Indiegogo video done!

And for you Trek geeks, a little take on the Star Trek patch that Justin Lin released.

Ares ST 3

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