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Captain’s Log – July 1-3, 2015

By July 5, 2015Captain's Log

Bridge 7.3.15

I got behind on writing this blog, because I was so buried this week as we prep for the Indiegogo campaign and San Diego Comic Con. So what is happening?

Indiegogo  –  We are working closely with their Entertainment team and are looking forward to seeing how this platform works.  There are a few very attractive aspects of Indiegogo, specifically that they accept PayPal.  Almost everyone has a PayPal account, and so this makes donating easier.  Second, we get to post photos of the perks next to the perks themselves.  The guys over at Indiegogo have already started making introductions to other campaigns, like Conman.  We hope you will all like our campaign.

We launch for donors on Wednesday, July 8th, and then for everyone Friday July 10th.

First Scene  –  Rob Burnett and Tobias Richter have been busting their butts getting this scene ready.  And I can say they are doing AMAZING work.  You will not believe what you see.  Alex Bornstein is scoring the scene and delivers his typical stunning work.  Hold on to your hats people!

San Diego Comic Con  –  Preparations continue to make sure we have a great SDCC.  We have TWO panels, which you can read all about here.  And we are giving away Ares schematic posters and patches at our panels!  Two ways to get great swag:  1)  Be wearing your Axanar T-shirt or 2) Have already donated to the Indiegogo!

The Bridge Set  –  The railing is in!  And I have to say, it totally completed the bridge.  Now it looks like a TOS bridge!  Lots of work to still do, but work started on the Turbolift.

Fulfillment  –  I can’t tell you how busy Diana is on sending out everything.  The Prelude to Axanar soundtrack CDs have now been sent out to everyone who donated at that level and below (in the Prelude to Axanar Kickstarter). And now she is getting ready to ship out patches from the Axanar Kickstarter to everyone!  Because Axanar is taking longer than we originally hoped, we want to get you all the patches so you know we haven’t forgotten you all!

Thanks for all your support!


Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Charles R. Williamson Jr. says:

    You all do great work. We all know you are human, decent humans despite what others say. Do what you can, but remember take time for yourself we do not want to lose any of you awesome wonderful people.

  • Scott Voigt says:

    Thanks for the update, I can’t imagine how busy all of you are right now with trying to do the pre-production, the first production shot, the latest funding and doing it through a new vendor. I wish you the best of luck in juggling all of these things. Look forward to seeing y’all in Houston…

  • John Willis says:

    Bridge looks great.. like Mt Olympus great!

  • Eliot Anders says:

    Bridge looks really good. Does it have the 35 degree offset from ship centerline like the Constitution class bridge has? I understand the reason for this in 1966 was to have the turbolift door in the shot with the captain’s chair. Are you doing the same?

  • David Gambill says:

    Great Stuff. Can wait to see the final results and understand the struggles of production.

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