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Captain’s Log – June 30, 2015

By July 4, 2015Captain's Log


As my day was filled with Acting class and answering emails and such, here is Dean’s update from Construction Central:

Here’s a taste of how the railing is going to look as well as how the inside circle of the wedges will finish out. I’m really happy and excited by how these elements have come together.




Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • John says:

    It looks just wonderful !!! Hey Alec (AKA MR. Executive Producer) Will you send us an e-mail or something so us long time contributors will be at the web site on the 8TH with our money so we can help get this baby flying!?!?!?

  • Duane Bruner says:

    Dean. Beautiful.

  • John Willis says:

    One day.. you’ll be able to 3D print a copy of the plans of that Bridge in 1:24 scale minature or 1:1 scale reality.. one day.. Shapeways and Thingaverse await. Of course by then we’ll all have replicators in our living rooms.

  • Wade Barisoff says:

    Is there going to be a day where you stop showing us the bridge?? Sort of the big reveal when Axanar is released??

  • Daniel Van Hoven says:

    If I recall, the last posting was of the Engine Room.

  • Chadwick Adams says:

    FYI the the enlarged images do not show pics 2 & 3, one image is repeated three times.

  • As an actor, it would be an honor to be a part of this production. How does one audition or submit an audition video for this?

  • Jedman67 says:

    David, use the Contact Us tab on the top of the page to email the production.

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