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About that BackerKit…

By July 2, 2015April 29th, 2016Donors, Fundraising & Fulfillment

Greetings from my corner of the (temporary, communal) office here at Ares Studio, where I’m currently awash in folders, papers, patches, and envelopes…


So, you may recall me mentioning the infamous BackerKit once or twice (at least), and if so, you’re probably wondering, “what’s up with that?”.

First–on the off-chance anyone out there has actually managed to miss the dozens of references to it–here’s the skinny:ย  BackerKit is a service which–for a percentage of the total–provides funding campaigns with a checkout system to use in the collection of data after their campaigns have ended. (It’s the system we used after our PRELUDE to AXANAR Kickstarter, so my experience with it runs deep.)

There were always numerous problems with the BackerKit system, though–from internal glitches, to a very non-intuitive way of doing far too many things, to an annoying proclivity for providing a passel of useless information which then required sifting through (for instance, outputting a list that included not only our actual donors, but all the people who failed to complete their transactions, with no logical way to weed out the wheat from the chaff)–which has made using it an exercise in frustration. (Think about it: data from approximately 2,400 PRELUDE donors… PLUS data from some 1,200 or so folks who backed out… all jumbled together willy-nilly in BackerKit’s records. Not a good scenario.)


That’s all a thing of the past now, though (yay!), because we’re nearly ready to roll out our very own checkout system… as part of Ares Digital, our proprietary platform for providing digital donor perks! Our resident tech guru Terry has basically been reinventing the wheel, by developing a system that should work smoothly and logically, providing only useful data, all in one nice, tidy place. I can’t tell you how excited we are about that (or how impressed the Kickstarter and Indiegogo people were when Alec and I showed them everything we’re doing!).ย  AXANAR… we’re on the cutting edge in more ways than one!

What does all of this mean for you, the donors, then? Well, you’ll still be receiving an email, as promised; it’ll just be letting you know that the checkout system for the AXANAR Kickstarter is open on Ares Digital (rather than anything having to do with BackerKit). Once you receive that email, you’ll be able to log into your account at Ares Digital and enter all of your information. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, so please DO NOT disregard the email, nor fail to complete any of the info requested. We’ll need the following: name, complete shipping address, email address, and any applicable selections that may apply to your donor level (some of which involve t-shirt size, photo selection, etc.). It’s all easy stuff, but you’ll want to be thorough, because if I don’t have the info, you won’t be getting your stuff.

So, I think that’s pretty fantastic news from the Fulfillment Desk, and hope you’re as jazzed about all of this as I am; it may not be the exciting part of making a movie, but it’s a necessary part of the process! ๐Ÿ™‚

~Diana Kingsbury

Your Friendly Director of Fulfillment

Join the discussion 18 Comments

  • Rick Newton says:

    Always great to be in control of your own destiny! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well done Terry!

  • Alessandro says:

    All hail to Diana and Terry for making it so, engage.

  • Scott Currie says:

    You guys rock! Keep up the great work.

  • Tiny says:

    Fabulous news! Very well done, Terry! And, as always, thanks to the lovely Diana for the info!

  • Mandie says:

    Your very organized desk reflects your orderly mind. Thanks for the update. One question: it’s been so long since I donated, I don’t remember my donation level. When I log in, will the software let me know which sections are applicable to me re. info required?

    • Diana Kingsbury says:

      Yes, it will! (You can always contact me in the meantime, though; I’m happy to help! ๐Ÿ™‚ )

  • BL says:

    You guys are just amazing. You could even license out Ares digital to others.

  • Linda Yeager says:

    I have to admit along with Mandle, it’s been a long time since the donation. I even stopped reading a lot of the email “updates” sent to me re: Axanar. I was happy to donate to what I believed was a worthy cause, even if I never rec’d anything. Now I can’t wait to read my email and get my fulfillment as a way to further publicize this endeavor.

    • Diana Kingsbury says:

      That’s great to hear, Linda! We have tried all along to keep everyone in the loop on where we are with every stage of the process, including fulfillment, because we think the more you know–and know what to expect, when–the more exciting the whole project is. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Michael says:

    Thanks for all the updates Diana! I’m curious as to whether the Ares email will come directly from Kickstarter? My email tends to flag a lot of spam that isn’t spam so I don’t want to miss out on the notification. I’ve been waiting with baited breath for the Blu ray and don’t want to miss out on it due to my email filters. Thanks again! Michael

    • Diana Kingsbury says:

      Once the checkout portion of Ares Digital is open, we’ll be sending that out and posting about it in multiple places. And, right before we do, I’ll be sure to announce it everywhere… here on the blog, on Facebook, etc., so it will most likely be hard to miss. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      As always, though, feel free to email me if you ever think you’ve missed anything, and I can point you in the right direction! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Edward Cox says:


    Been so long I don’t remember what I donated and what I should be expecting. Is there a way for me to find out? I was invited to the Donor site so obviously did that part right. I am looking forward to the next kickstarter as I am really enjoying the participation I feel for how the project is going and ultimately being able to say to my friends that I helped create Axanar as a donor..

    Say hello to that Kitty of yours. I had one like him back in 72, her name was Mitzi…

    EJ Cox

  • John DeSantis says:

    Hi Diana,

    Good Morning! You are doing a terrific job! I am a cat owner like yourself. I have 5 and no I am not the crazy cat guy. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Diana, can you help me? I donated $125 last year and I don’t remember what I was going to get in return. Can you let me know, since I have not received anything yet.. I have ordered a t-shirt and the blue prints from the store.

    Thank you and talk to you soon,

  • Linda Holcombe says:

    Good morning Diana!

    First I think y’all are doing a fantastic job and can’t wait for to see the finished product. I am like a couple of the people above. I donated last summer to Prelude to Axanar, I know it was $75.00 but don’t remember what I was suppose to receive. I did receive the link to the donor site etc., but have not received an email or anything else. I do read your emails and have been trying to keep up on the facebook. I even donated the movie Axanar funding this week when they sent us the early link to donate. Can you please let me know since I have not received anything.

    Thanks and keep up the great work.

  • Jeff Bueckert says:

    Like EJ above, I also don’t remember what level I backed. I think I went to the level for a digital download – which I’m assuming isn’t available given that the film isn’t done. But I really have no idea.

    I’m glad the whole Axanar team is pushing forward though. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

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