Star Trek: Axanar hits San Diego Comic Con! The schedule is out and Axanar has not one, but TWO panels this year!
Digital Bits Blu-ray Sneak Peek: Star Trek: Axanar
Thursday, July 9, 1:00-2:00
Room 23ABC
Join Digital Bits editor Bill Hunt, veteran Blu-ray/DVD producers Charles de Lauzirika (Twin Peaks, The Martian), Cliff Stephenson (Hannibal, The Hunger Games), and Robert Meyer Burnett (Free Enterprise, Star Trek: The Next Generation Blu-rays), and executive producer Alec Peters (Star Trek: Axanar), as they discuss major upcoming Blu-ray titles and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray developments, and explain the groundbreaking process of creating studio-quality independent Blu-ray releases, including the new Prelude to Axanar: Special Edition. We’ll have audience Q & A and lots of great giveaways – don’t miss it!
Star Trek Axanar: From Conception to Feature Film
Friday July 10, 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Neil Morgan Auditorium, San Diego Central Library
Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica), Robert Meyer Burnett (Free Enterprise), and Alec Peters (Prelude to Axanar) discuss the evolution and development of the most anticipated Star Trek independent film to date. They’ll talk about how it went from a love of Trek to one of the top crowdfunded film projects in Kickstarter history, covering the rise of Kirk’s hero, Garth of Izar, and the Federation’s last stand in the war against the Klingons. Moderated by Bill Watters (Examiner, Bleeding Cool).
We also need volunteers to help hand out flyers Wed/Thr/Fri. so please contact
So please join us and make SDCC a great time for Axanar!