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No rest for the…

By June 21, 2015June 22nd, 2015Donors, Fundraising & Fulfillment

… weary? wicked? Hmm, think I’ll leave that one up to all of you… ๐Ÿ˜‰

After being off sick for a few days this week (and by “off”, I mean at-home answering every email, message, query, and internal work communique, plus doing all of the ordering, arranging, designing, and planning that could be done from the sofa with my laptop, well… on my lap, and Boomer–as always–ensconced nearby), it was a relief to finally get back to the office (aka Ares Studio), where I spent a VERY productive Saturday, getting stuff DONE!


Walled in by PRELUDE to AXANAR "Lieutenant" (soundtrack CD) donor kits...

Walled in by PRELUDE to AXANAR “Lieutenant” (soundtrack CD) donor kits…


So yes, I spent much of the day building Fort Diana. (No, that’s not ALL I did, but come on… it’s a FORT! ๐Ÿ˜€ )

Now, back to work…


Join the discussion 7 Comments

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    Fort Diana! ROFL! Thank you so much for spending your Saturday for our benefit! In future this will be just one of the many ways we will cry out, “Remember Axanar!”

  • All I’m sayin’ is that there had better be a USS Artemis (Artemis was the Greek version of the Roman goddess Diana) in Axanar…and YOU’D better be playing her captain! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Scott Currie says:

    You Rock Diana!

  • Ronald D. Hearn says:

    Huggles for your stress ๐Ÿ™‚ great job throughout it all still no Sean T caricature with your Signature like the first one he did for my Axanar wall hangings ๐Ÿ™ lol sad face, just funnin ya but would be great to frame your thoughtful thank you notes with just saying to give you equal footing with the other Awsome stuff so far, LLAP Diana !!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Dave Edwards says:

    Hey! My donor kit must be in that picture, I just got confirmation that it’s on its way!

    On a serious note, Diana, I’m sure I speak for many, when I say how much I truly appreciate all your hard work in staying in touch with us by email, your notes in the packages we receive, taking care of all the mailings and paperwork, and most importantly of all, your kindness.

    Your efforts are AMAZING! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Warmest Wishes,

    -Dave Edwards

  • Rick Newton says:

    “Your work today has been outstanding and I intend to recommend you all for promotion… in whatever fleet we end up serving.” ๐Ÿ˜‰

    My, our, continued appreciation for the work you do, on top of the work you do!

  • Scott Voigt says:

    You mam are amazing… I wasn’t nearly as productive the past couple of days at home sick (with proper cat in lap taking care of me.). Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

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