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Captain’s Log – June 9, 2015

By June 11, 2015Captain's Log


Today was a crazy day as I was prepping for acting class with Richard Hatch, where I was working on a scene from “The Cage” with classmate Curtis Webster.  But I had to get insurance paperwork done and I HATE insurance paperwork as it always asks stupid questions that have nothing to do with your business.  But I got it done, and got to class on time.

The scene was the scene in Pike’s quarters, which is one of my favorite scenes in all of TOS as it really deals with the burden of command.  Something Garth struggles with too.  Such a brilliant scene.  Curtis and I had fun, and as always, I learned something from Richard.  We will do it again next week.

Meanwhile, on the bridge, not much new.  So Dean took some photos of one section of the bridge from different angles.  No other bridge in the USA can do this.





Join the discussion 9 Comments

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    Yes! That was a fantastic scene. The weight of command is so well depicted. Thank god for the understanding ear of a ship’s physician… and booze! 🙂

  • “No other bridge in the USA can do this.”

    SWEET!! =D

  • matt says:

    does that include the bridge set for the new Star trek movies?


    I can not stress it enough. Alec is a friggin’ genius visionary.

  • KellyJ says:

    “Sometimes a man will tell his Bartender things he’ll never tell his Doctor.”
    True wisdom for the ages.

  • David says:

    Have always liked that scene. It was filmed the day after Thanksgiving, Friday, November 27, 1964, the first scenes filmed for the pilot. Amazing it went first, as it maintains a theme throughout all of Trek. (Plus, I was born that day. 😉 )

  • Jason Moon says:

    Does Garth want a warm Martini?

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