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Captain’s Log – June 7, 2015

By June 8, 2015Captain's Log


Today started off with Diana and I taking our usual Sunday morning hour walk to our favorite brunch place, then an hour back.  After that I went to Creature Features, which is the most amazing genre collectibles shop you have ever seen.  My good friend Taylor White runs it and was having a book signing with the authors of Return to Tomorrow, which is an AMAZING book about the making of TMP.  Please go buy it on Taylor’s website.  Rob Burnett will tell you it is the best Star Trek book ever!

After that I met with Rob Burnett and Milton Santiago (Prelude DP) about this weekend’s first Axanar shoot.  Rob and I worked on the script a bit, and we walked through the story reel and Tobias Richter’s animatics.  We LOVE the way this is turning out.


And here is a sneak peek from the first scene that we are shooting.


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