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Captain’s Log – May 28, 2015

By May 30, 2015June 1st, 2015Captain's Log

Comm 2

Thursday, May 28th

Today was a total script day.  We are in the home stretch with the script and there were some small holes that we had to fill, names of planets I had to come up with (which had to be researched because we pay attention to that stuff!) and plot threads that had to be resolved.

After that it was a meeting with Production Designer John Iacovelli and Art Director Jerry Sonnenberg.  The Art Department has kicked into high gear and we are getting some great work from newcomers Alexander Richardson, Ron Gamble, Lee Quessenberry and Aaron Harvey.  And Eric Henry just got his amazing Tricorder approved and it is already off to the fabricator, prop maker Lee Malone.


Bridge console panel design

We have a final design for the bridge consoles and a style designed for the eye level monitors.  More to come….


Join the discussion 11 Comments

  • Mark says:

    That communicator looks amazing! It realy fits into the TOS design and looks like a modern version of it for military use (the blocky and shockproof design).
    I hope you will add just a a few switches to your bridge consoles as some kind of a redundant emergency system, but stil good work.


  • Dan McClintock says:

    Hmmmm…. do I see the beginning of perks for the next Kickstarter?
    Suggested cost and levels:
    A communicator for the next $1,000 level.
    A communicator and Phase Pistol (or will it be a Phaser?) for the next $3,,000 level.
    And a Communicator, Phase Pistol and Tricorder for the next $5,000 level.
    It would be a bit too rich for my blood, but I’d bet they would go like hotcakes!

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    Nice looking artwork!

  • Charles Andresen-Reed says:

    Very nice! If there’s anything your loyal fans can help you with, let us know! (I work with the registrar of your domain, so if you need anything from us- hosting, an SSL, et cetera, I’d be happy to help!) Thanks!

  • Scott Voigt says:

    Looking very, very nice. Can’t wait to see your take on the Phaser and if you do a one and two model. In all of the shows and movies, my favorite Phaser was always the TOS one. Simple, functional and not over complicated.

  • Edward Cox says:

    Nice communicators one could easily make these functional along with a nice touch screen under that grid antenna cover flip up.

  • ESPer says:

    OR at the $10,000.oo How about a walk on as an extra? (And the draw to see who gets to be the ‘redshirt’?)

  • Re: the Communicator

    I like it… and the TOS style gold antenna / cover is a definite want…! but it looks a little big and boxy…

    the screen size and placement are excellent, but not sure about the knobs & mic/speaker grille…

    consider: adding a qwerty keypad, d-pad, camera, data interface…? oh, what the hell, let’s just combine it with the tricorder into a single device, and put a rugged black rubber skin on it… and re-brand a suitable matching blue-tooth earpiece… =)

    perhaps find a suitable cell phone and create a new “case” with the new TOS style flip-cover…?

    Re: the TOS style flip-cover

    IMHO, the cover is too big, unless u also want it to double as a weapon… =P
    IMO, it needs to be smaller, more refined shape/profile and perf. pattern / texture… maybe like a speaker grille…? and it needs a robust hinge mechanism, w/ detents and bumpers (like flip phone)

    …hope i’m not asking for TOO much, LOL! =P

    Keep up the GREAT WORK u guys! =D

  • Jedman67 says:

    I know some people would pay good money for a fully functional phaser pistol, although i imagine the FBI and ATF would get a little upset 😛

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