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New Format: Wednesday Cast And Crew Q & A

By May 27, 2015Axanar News

We’ve been planning a fun way to feature some new interviews with the cast and crew of Axanar, and we think we’ve got it figured out:

Each week starting on Wednesday, we will announce our featured Spotlight person for the week. Spotlights will consist of the stars of Axanar as well as writers, editors, set creators, costume department, etc.

We’ll ask our readers (that’s you guys) for questions; things you’d like to ask the Spotlight person about Axanar.  You can submit your questions via our Twitter or our Facebook using the hashtag #AskAxanar, or by commenting on our Wednesday Spotlight announcement post on the blog.  The question submission period will be from the announcement Wednesday until the following Sunday, so our team can send them along to the aforementioned party.  Answer Day will be the following Wednesday (so one week from the Spotlight Announcement post).

Our first Spotlight person of the week is none other than Kharn the Undying, Mr. Richard Hatch!


Join the discussion 9 Comments

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    Sounds like a great idea!

    #AskAxanar How did you prepare for the role of Supreme Commander Kharn… ten years after your defeat at Axanar?

  • donofrio says:

    1.) Why did the high council not listen to you? Did they have another plan for perhaps “up armoring” the D6’s to stand up more to these insurgent attacks?

    2.) How did the Generals deal with the different races Starfleet crews fighting in same types of Starfleet ships?

  • Steve Dixon says:

    #AskAxanar — in your opinion, what are the top 5 science fiction films of all time and why?

  • Reece Watkins says:

    Richard: We spoke briefly at DragonCon last year about your brilliantly nuanced performance as Kharn in Prelude to Axanar, and how you managed to single-handedly re-invigorate the Federation’s deadliest adversary in those few brief minutes. As an actor, do you find it difficult to portray Klingon savagery with finesse instead of resorting to the barbarism too many others have resorted to in the past?

  • Ásragin says:

    #AskAxanar: @Admiral Ramirez: How did the Federation council/president react to the rather unusual aspect of a purebred warship? As the basic and principal philosophy of Starfleet and their ships were exploration, a ship designed for explicit warfare would mean a waste of maintenance during following peacetimes.

    @Captain Garth: What do you consider yourself most? An explorer/scientist or warrior/defender?

    @Warlord Kharn: Given the fact that the Federation was founded merely a century before, yet grew to almost a similar size as your own Empire over a far shorter time, it seems surprisingly shortsighted for a race of warriors to disregard it so lightly. Do you have any explanation for the High Councils reasoning?

    • Mary Anne Butler says:

      Hey there Ásragin, save those questions for Garth and Ramirez for their spotlight weeks! 😀

  • Steven Shinsato says:

    What happened to the Q&A for last Wednesday? And the spotlight for 6/3/15?

  • good afternoon Mr. Hatch,

    My first question is, since you have come from a sci-fi background other than Star Trek, what did you do to prepare for the role of Kharn?

    My second question is, going forward in the Axanar movie do you hope to portray Kharn as a successful leader for his people, or as a vengeful Klingon hell-benton destroying the Federation?

    My thanks for your time and good luck in the future.

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