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Captain’s Log – May 14, 2015

By May 16, 2015Captain's Log


The bridge build continues.  Today Dean works on the two stations past what is typically Spock’s science station.  We also found out my former right hand man at Propworx, Curtis Short, is coming back to SoCal and he will join Dean on the construction crew.  Curtis ran Propworx warehouse operations for 4 years and Dean, Curtis and stage manager Jarrod hunt formed the backbone of Propworx, so we are happy to be getting the band back together!

I spoke with one of the producers of Iron Sky.  If you haven’t seen that movie it is pretty funny, and a triumph of independent film making as these guys started in fan films and parodies.  You may have seen their “Star Wreck” series.  We are discussing working on fundraising together.

I spoke with a VFX group that does some impressive titles and they will be handling that work for our Kickstarter video as they are huge Axanar fans.  Their work is pretty impressive and we discussed how much we loved the Avengers end credits.

A good day of work!


We are happy to announce we have struck a deal with Ad Astra Games for a 1/7200 scale space fleet game based on the universe of Axanar using the successful Squadron Strike game system.  You can read more info on their website here.



The Prelude Soundtrack is off to the printer and should be back in about 2 weeks!  We are all pretty excited.  And it’s not too late to get one.  We will have extras that will be in our Donor store for those of you who didn’t get one.

That is it for today!  LLAP!


Today’s Simon Sinek quote:

Our goals should serve as markers, measurements of the progress we make in pursuit of something greater than ourselves.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    Sounds like a lot of progress!

    One question. Is the VFX group for the non-Tobias type VFX, as in, practical effects and digital add-on effects for hand phasers, etc. (old time rotoscoping, et al) ? As with many topics, I know just enough to be trouble, but Axanarans want to know! 🙂

    My favorite quote I’ve seen since I got involved with Axanar is from a late ’70’s TV guide article, “Star wars fans want toys. Star Trek fans want information.”

  • B. says:

    Iron Sky was pretty amazing for an ‘indie’ production. Would be cool if you could do some collaborations with them.

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