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Captain’s Log – May 8, 2015

By May 9, 2015Captain's Log copy

The first set of panels arrive!

So much happening today!  First of all, Dean has gotten the first of the CNC’d bridge console panels from our friends across the parking lot!  The bridge build will start to go vertical! copy

The CNC machine cutting our panels! copy

Look familiar? copy

Console side panels copy

Monitor panels

Also today, I visited Geek Nation’s studios.  Geek Nation is a geek content website that has over a million viewers a month.  They have an impressive little operation and I chatted with one of the owners about us possibly shooting our live Kickstarter webcasts there next month.

I also met with one of J. Michael Straczynski’s assistants who handles all of the Babylon 5 books (if you are a B5 fan you should check them out).  She has a lot of experience in merchandising and I am helping her with the Babylon 5 Encyclopedia Kickstarter.  It will be an 800 page book on B5 that I know I want a copy of!  And she is helping us with intros to Netflix and Amazon to discuss our projects.

After that I had a video call with Diana, Terry, Mike (PR Director) and Tanya, who will be handling our fan groups.  Getting more fans to do fun events like Lee Quessenberry’s convention table and organizing Kickstarter Launch events is Tanya’s job and we have a cool program that will be fun for fans to be part of and get you cool perks.

Then it was back to answering emails.  It is amazing how my email inbox can go from 40 to 125 in a week, and that is AFTER answering dozens of emails every day.


I finished by having a video chat with Japan!  That is where Executive Producer Christopher Jones lives.  We were discussing the fact that the Axanar Podcast has been nominated for a Parsec Award. The Parsec Awards were founded in 2006 to celebrate speculative fiction Podcasting. We are pretty excited and Chris is helping us select the 10 minute clip we need to send to be judged.

If you don’t listen to the Axanar Podcast, why not?  Every week or so, Alec Peters and Rob Burnett bringing you news and interviews and just plain fun Trek talk!   You can find all the Axanar podcasts on

Tomorrow?  Yeah it’s Saturday, but there is work to do!

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Tom says:

    Hi there. I’ve seen some of the different 3d concepts for the Ares Bridge (which I think are great) , and was wondering which one the final set will look like the most. Thanks.

  • Peter Schmidt says:

    Re: Podcast 24, Rob directing, and James’s dad acting with, William Shatner – got a huge vicarious fan kick out of those stories.

  • Jason Moon says:

    Ooooooooh! B5 goodnes! Me want!

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