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Captain’s Log – May 5, 2015

By May 6, 2015Captain's Log

Al & Malki

So who are these two guys?  Well, Malki is on the left and he is an insurance agent who specializes in Entertainment and insuring production companies.  Al on the right is a labor lawyer, who handles entertainment issues as well as other types of employer issues.  These two guys are critical to making sure Axanar and Axanar Productions are doing everything exactly right legally, and that we are properly insured.  As a lawyer myself, I know when legal red flags go up and protecting Axanar and making sure your donations are being well spent is critical.

The big issue is that volunteers are not covered by Worker’s Comp, which is required in CA.  Our employees are covered through our payroll company, but volunteers are not since they don’t get paid.  Malki is making sure we get the right insurance so we are covered for volunteers as well as reviewing all our insurance.

These two guys are giving me huge piece of mind that Axanar Productions does everything right!

CNC Machine

Meanwhile, Dean got great news in that the company across the parking lot with the CNC machine submitted their bid for CNCing every single panel we needed for the bridge, and it came out to $ 1,875.  That is insanely cheap and they are bidding out other work now.  This means that we will have a lot lower labor costs.  Dean and I are VERY happy!

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