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Captain’s Log – May 3, 2015

By May 5, 2015Captain's Log
TA 5.2.15

Alec, Bill, Diana, Maddilyn, Mary Anne

Today was a big work day.  After a shortened day Friday because of the drive to San Francisco, and driving back Saturday after our meeting with the head of the film department at Kickstarter meeting and meeting with Bill Watters (Associate producer / Convention Coordinator) and MAB (aka Mary Anne Butler, our Blog editor), I had a ton of emails to answer.


More importantly, I spent 6 hours setting up The Backerkit for the last Kickstarter and it is ready to go!  So everyone will be able to register their current info and those who gave less than $ 35, will be able to pay the $ 5 ($10 International) for shipping the two stretch goal patches!

In the afternoon I had a meeting with our video team, lead by Rob Burnett, which includes Production Log Producer Justin Zigri, and newcomers, but Hollywood pros Andy Borses and Brian Hennesey.  We planned out the daily video updates and weekly live webcasts you will get to enjoy when we launch our next Kickstarter.  This coming Kickstarter will blow you away!


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