Team Axanar is currently assembling the final list of perks for the coming Feature Film Fundraiser #2 – “The Shooting Budget”, and we’re going to make available an official (and gorgeous) Axanar calendar digital download. Because there are so many wonderful and artistic folks that are supporters and donors of the production, we’re opening this up so all artists can participate. The top twelve designs, as judged by the producers of Axanar, will be selected for inclusion. Think of this effort as Axanar‘s version of the ‘Star Trek Ships of the Line’ calendar.
Here are the criteria for submissions to this contest:
1. All submissions –MUST– be made by email to Submissions should –NOT– be posted publicly anywhere, and any design that’s publicly posted will be disqualified from consideration. This is our way to make sure that the submissions are confidential, so that they’re a surprise when the calendar perk is released. Also, enter as many times as you’d like!
2. Submissions should be in the following resolution, or greater while maintaining the 16×9 aspect ratio, and contain no text or type (we’ll add that later):
Raster art — 1920 x 1080 (2K) minimum and 3840 x 2160 (4K) maximum — layered Photoshop .psd file, or equivalent format from another popular graphic program, is required. Photoshop preferred.
Vector art — resolution is irrelevant, since vector art can be scaled to any size. Illustrator .ai file, or equivalent format from another popular graphic program, is required. Illustrator preferred. If your vector art also includes bits of raster art then please follow the resolution dimensions mentioned in the raster art section above.
3. All art that you submit must be your own work, or you must have written permission from the original artist for any third-party bits that you assemble in to your finished submission — if using third-party bits then be sure to include a copy of the written permission from the third-party artist in your submission email. So, no scraping and plugging in other people’s work, please, unless you have their explicit permission.
4. You grant a full and exclusive license to Axanar Productions, Inc. to use the submissions for promotion at our sole discretion.
5. You will receive written credit in the calendar for your winning submission by name. If you use bits of others work in your finished product then those artists will receive a shared credit for their contributions to the submission.
6. All entries will be judged by the production team of Axanar Productions, Inc. and the “top 12” submissions will be included in the calendar. Other notable works may be released as desktop wallpapers for the public to enjoy, at the discretion of the production.
7. All art featured in the submissions –MUST– be directly related to Axanar and the AxaVerse(tm)(c)(patent pending). Official Star Trek and CBS-owned IP/canon ships, character likenesses, or other designs cannot be featured for copyright reasons.
8. Deadline for entries is June 30, 2015.
9. Have a wonderful time creating your submissions and we cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with!