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Captain’s Log – April 27, 2015

By April 28, 2015Captain's Log

Emergency Response

Axanar isn’t just about bringing real Star Trek to life.  We also believe in living the ideals of Gene Roddenberry.  So last week we launched a GoFundMe campaign to help a family in need.

The Collier family has seen many hard times.  On Aug 4, 2014 the Collier house burnt down to the ground.  The house was not insured and the family lost everything.  After jumping from place to place to keep the kids in school, the Colliers found a new home.   Jeremy works running Sci-Max Radio, a venture he desperately wants to make work, and which has helped promote Axanar.  Jeremy is disabled and on SSI.  His wife helps take care of him and the kids – Samara 11, Lil’ Jeremy 6, And Mason 4.

In 2009 their child was diagnosed with a terminal Cancer and they lost him on april 16, 2010.  Since then the family has seen much heartache and pain.  During the time they were at St. Jude’s for their child, the man that raised Jeremy, his  GrandFather John Floyd Collier Sr.  died.

Every since all of this they can’t seem to get ahead for anything and right now they need help to get a new start in life.

Team Axanar is behind the Colliers and the first 500 people who donate $ 10 or more will get an Axanar Starfleet Disaster Response Patch.  Axanar is donating these patches and will handle all fulfillment.

I hope you all will stop by and donate $ 10 to the campaign.  Although we reached our goal, the family can use every dollar we can raise.  And you can get a limited edition Axanar patch for doing a good deed!

Go here to help: GoFundMe campaign.


Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    This kind of caring is just one reason that I support Axanar!

  • Norman C. Lao says:

    Placing humanity and human needs first is one of the bedrock principles of being a fan of Gene’s Star Trek vision. I was glad to support this cause. It’s what we need to see more of in humanity and I am honored to have done this associated with Axanar.

  • Paul Janssens says:

    I’m glad to have been able to add my small donation to the pile. This kind of cause just HAS to be a priority. If we can donate for a GREAT movie to be made, we must free up funds to help our fellow earthlings too. Even if that means giving a bit less to the next KickStarter. It would NOT be right when we would not be giving priority to people in need.

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