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Captain’s Log – April 21, 2015

By April 21, 2015Captain's Log
Dean Bridge

Captain Dean

New Construction Coordinator Dean Newberry is back from his trip to Ticonderoga, NY, and the sets of Star Trek: New Voyages, where he took gazillions of photos and measured every single inch.  James Cawley was a gracious host and Dean is ready to start knocking out the bridge structure again!  Ironically Curtis Laseter had to take a job with a major feature, so he will be gone for at least a few months and so Dean got promoted.  Curtis felt that was a no brainer as he was so impressed with Dean.  And with the knowledge he has gained from James, there is little doubt we will have a first class set.

CD 3

We are almost ready to go to press with the Prelude to Axanar soundtrack CD.  Ron Gamble, who designed the DVD/Blu-ray case is designing the CD case.  Diana has sourced a great printer.  It will be as professional looking as anything out there.  If you haven’t donated for one, you can get it, as well as a DVD or Blu-ray, go to the Axanar website and donate!




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