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Captain’s Log – April 13, 2015

By April 13, 2015Captain's Log


This past weekend was a work weekend with PR Director Mike Bawden in town from Iowa, where he runs a successful PR firm.  We met Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with Saturday being a 12 person video conference call.  We laid the groundwork for the Kickstarter and made sure we have very clear roles for the entire team.   Mike also built a marketing plan for our Axanar Feature Kickstarter, which we hope to launch in June.  Sunday we reviewed the plan in detail and Mike revised it.  This kind of planning is essential for the kind of undertaking Axanar is.

We also put in for our panel at SDCC.  We really need a panel at this event, and it is a shame when films that haven’t even come out yet get a panel and we don’t.  So we really are pushing hard this time!



Volunteer Dave Taylor, who handles our IT infrastructure, has hooked up security cameras in the warehouse, and one of them has a great view of the whole floor of the sound stage.  As you can see the bridge framework is being built.  Rob and Dave are working to create time-lapse photography of the sound stage, which will be incredibly cool.



Saturday, Rob Burnett and I found time to record podcast # 23, which is an interview with our PR Director about how you market a project like Axanar and why fans are the key!  That podcast will be out tomorrow.  We also recorded an interview with the godfather of Star Trek fan films, James Cawley of Star Trek: New Voyages which will be in podcast # 24.


Prelude is being remastered Wednesday by Rob and Bing, our DIT/Colorist/All-star post guy.  All the new elements are there and ready to be re-mastered.  That means we should be able to releases the digital download right after that.  Thursday we hand off the finished Master to our Blu-ray specialist (one of the best in Hollywood) and then off to the printer!

Yuri 1

Two beautiful ladies!


We had time to go hang out with Martin Horowitz and Derek Allen, two of our donors and SoCal volunteers at Yuri’s Night, a celebration of manned spaceflight’s anniversary at the California Science Center where the Space Shuttle Endeavor is!


Derek, Alec, Diana, Martin

I can’t tell you how buried we are here at the studio.  But all is good and moving in the right direction.


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