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Captain’s Log – April 10, 2015

By April 10, 2015Captain's Log


Podcast # 22 is up and AWESOME!  This may well be the best podcast yet as it is all about being a geek!  The Director’s Roundtable features hosts Rob Burnett and Alec Peters with Axanar director Christian Gossett and Blu Ray producer extraordinaire Charlie de Lauzrika.

You will definitely enjoy this one!  Here are the details:

Axanar 22: The Geekiest Year Ever
Axanar Directors Roundtable: Part 2.

From script to screen, making an independent film is an intricate process involving many hats—both creative and administrative. In this episode of the official Axanar podcast, we conclude our two-part roundtable with Robert Meyer Burnett, Alec Peters, Christian Gossett, and Charles de Lauzirika. This time they discuss their work beyond Star Trek, their journey from childhood fan to pro, how they retain that sense of wonder, and more.

In our news segment we get an update on construction in Ares Studios, the status of the Axanar script (it’s locked!), the next Kickstarter, and plans for WonderCon.

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