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Captain’s Log – April 8, 2015

By April 8, 2015Captain's Log

Dean and Curtis begin work on the bridge!

Building of the bridge has begun!  It was pretty exciting to start the process of building sets.  The elephant doors over the loading dock are done and now the process of building sets begins!

“Trials and Tribbleations” blueprints.

The McMaster’s plans (on left) are wrong, but a solid reference. James Cawley supplied the correct floor plan (on right).

More updates every day as we begin the process of building sets!

Join the discussion 10 Comments

  • Lee Benjamin says:

    Awesome! Congrats!

  • Molly Kate McGinn says:


  • Ben Sebrowski says:

    This is so cool. I was just catching up on the last few Axanar podcasts and love actually seeing what you’ve been talking about! Can’t wait to see the finished product!

  • Ron Gamble says:

    YEEESSSSS!!! This is super exciting. I can’t wait to see it finished. And I’m totally going to fly out to LA to check it out!

  • Robert Clontz says:

    I am so stoked over this, and Alec, you must be like a kid on Christmas morning! James Cawley is doing great things of his own, and I think it’s fantastic that you all work together on these projects. Like a true Star Trek family. Good fortune to all of you in this!

  • AndyC says:

    Pure awesomeness, love every update to this brilliant project! Hope the build goes well, really looking forward to seeing Alec in the Captains chair!

  • Paul Janssens says:

    Every day more progress, ALWAYS nice to see and get updates about that !!!

  • Ronald D. Hearn says:

    Tyvm Alec appreciate the updates on progress and the studios, seem to be comeing together in fast fashion. On that note, I’m willing to bet you and the crew are probably as giddy as children on Christmas Morning, as your Trek Child Grows into a full studio, I am pleased and proud to be allowed to be a part….though small part of it’s comeing to life, Godspeed and hope the comeing Trek is as Awsome, as the Prelude has been and Congradulations on the Ares Studios.
    Faithfully, Ronald D. Hearn (Minion) from the beginning. 🙂

  • Bernie Conner says:

    It looks great so far! Its great to have the wealth of Star Trek knowledge that is James Cawley!

  • Somdeb Ghose says:

    Hail Garth of Izar!

    Is this going to be the Ares class bridge? Will there be other classes in the movie? Will those bridges be redresses of this one? Will there be a D6/D7 set? Will there be a Meeting Room?

    More queries later.

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