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Captain’s Log – March 26, 2015

By March 26, 2015April 2nd, 2015Captain's Log

Today was production meeting day. Right now the team meets every two weeks up at Ares Studios. We are oin the middle of budgeting and Mike DeMerrit (Line producer) has been breaking down the script. The breakdowns show us how many sets, characters, sets and such. And we are making decisions on what to do around that. John Iacovelli, our production designer, is in Denver on a show, but sent us some first drafts at a stage plan.

LayoutThis shows us how the sets will sit in the stage. We already are making adjustments.

Today is a day off for me as Mike DeMerrit and I go to play poker in the World Series Regional here in L.A. It is a $ 160 buy-in and we are both big poker fans, so we will be trying to have fun and make it to the money. The top prize is somewhere around $ 400,000 with a total million $ prize pool. You know where any money I make is going…

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