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Captain’s Log – March 18, 2015

By March 18, 2015April 2nd, 2015Captain's Log

A busy day today as I had a 2 hour call finalizing the script with Mike Demerrit. Most of this was small errors in the script. We use Final Draft and I am no expert, this being my first time using it, so funny things happened. But Mike is breaking down the script for budgeting purposes which is critical so we know how much Axanar will cost!

At night we went to a special showing of Blade Runner at the Cinerma Dome in Hollywood with two of our best friends, Charlie Lauzirika, who is going to direct an Axanar vignette and is the producer of the Blade Runner (and all of Ridley Scott’s) Blu Rays, and Cliff Stephenson, who is another well known DVD producer (Most recently Hannibel). The move is simply the best Sci Fi movie ever. This was a 35mm print of The Final Cut, which if you don’t own the Blu Ray of, you should!

Blade Runner 3.18.15

Cliff, Tia, Charlie, Diana, Alec

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