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Captain’s Log – March 10, 2015

By March 10, 2015April 2nd, 2015Captain's Log

What an amazingly productive day for Axanar and Ares studios!

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First of all, the floor is 1/3 done. A lot of progress has been made, and Dean Newberry is working on covering up the loading dock so we have more floor space. That project will be done by the end of the week. Then the floor can be extended forward to the loading doors. You actually have to put the floor down in a certain order. Better left to guys who know what they are doing!

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Volunteer donors Rex and Derek kicking ass moving materials!

We literally had to move everything on the bare warehouse floor to on top of the finished floor so the warehouse floor was free to build the stage floor on! (Got that?) It was a ton of work and volunteers Derek, Rex, Dave and Jonathan did great work.

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And the big news was finding original Star Trek blueprints in all the good Star Trek stuff VFX Supervisor Gary Hutzel consigned to Propworx. While the Desilu plans Dean is handling above are readily available online……

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These blueprints from “Trials and Tribbleations” are a rare find and HUGE for us! We now have exactly what we need to build our bridge to exact specifications!!

I can’t tell you how excited I am about this find.

More tomorrow!


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