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Captain’s Log – March 9, 2015

By March 9, 2015April 2nd, 2015Captain's Log

Well, I promised my god son that Sunday would be Lego day and so I spent most of the day building a Lego Star Wars AT-AT for little Ethan. Thus no update yesterday, because every time I went to get on my computer, Ethan would say “When are you going to start working on the AT-AT?”. Kids keep you honest. Here he is with the AT-AT in process…IMG_6811However this AM, while I sat in the airport for 6 hours waiting for my flight, I continued my script review with Line Producer Michael Demerrit (see my previous comments on Mike). Basically, the semi-final script is in and before Mike goes through and begins budgeting the project, we needed to clarify a bunch of things, remove inconsistencies that come when you work on a script for 4 years and make sure it is formatted correctly. Small plot points get another eye reviewing them and we make sure we think through a lot of filming issues that, as writers, Christian and I didn’t think of. You find that you have to be very specific about your script and “A horde of Klingons” doesn’t work. Mike wants us to know how many Klingons so Make up can be prepared, wardrobe can have the right # of costumes, and the right # of actors can be on hand.

Breaking down a script is a very exhaustive process when done right. Mike will be working on this for well over a week. But when done, we will have a good idea what the budget will be for the shoot. We can then trim as needed, or have stretch goals in the next Kickstarter for specific items that are “Nice to Haves” and not “Must Haves”.

Mike and I did a rough, “back of the napkin” budget just to talk through the different buckets that would need to be filled, and it came to about $ 750,000. (And remember that does not include stage rental and set building, which were taken care of in the last Kickstarter.)

And we expect to launch the next Kickstarter in April/May. So stay tuned!


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