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Captain’s Log – March 6, 2015

By March 6, 2015April 2nd, 2015Captain's Log

I spent 4 hours on the phone today working with our Line Producer Michael Demeritt, who worked on Star Trek Voyager and Enterprise for 11 years. The man is a freaking genius, and today we went through the first 40 pages of the script making sure every line was accurate and what he needed so he can break down the script and get us a budget.


DeMeritt with John Billingsley on the set of Enterprise

Work continues on the floor today. Curtis and Dean are about half way through, and we need volunteers to help Tuesday, March 10th with moving stuff. You know the drill you SoCal Axanarians. Email me at

Warehouse 3.6.1
We FINALLY got our Payroll sorted out. Since we are a film production company, we use Entertainment Partners, which is one of the top payroll companies specifically for the film industry in L.A. Well, they have a detailed process and you have to be fully insured, and that meant we had to spend an extra $ 1,000 on insurance for an auto accidents anyone who worked for us might have while working on our films. This is the type of thing I have to deal with between writing, acting and handling the studio. Oh, and all those production issues!

That’s all for now. I am off to my first ever Renaissance Fair with my godsons tomorrow, so no work on Axanar for a change. 🙂


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