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Axanar Podcast # 20 – Studio Construction

By March 3, 2015March 23rd, 2015Axanar News
Axanar 20: Under Construction
Building Ares Studios with Curtis Laseter and Dean Newberry.


Making a studio-quality feature film requires proper facilities. Ares Studios, the new home of Axanar, is set to take independent Star Trek productions where they’ve never gone before. But before this can happen, there’s a lot of work to be done.


In this episode of the official Axanar podcast, hosts Robert Meyer Burnett and Alec Peters are joined by two members of the construction team to bring you the inside story. Curtis Leseter, who brings his Babylon 5 experience to Axanar, explains how the sound stage is being built, while Dean Newberry of Propworx talks about transforming the warehouse into a full-fledged studio.


Plus, Alec and Rob share their thoughts on the passing of Leonard Nimoy.


Robert Meyer Burnett and Alec Peters


Curtis Laseter and Dean Newberry


Editor and Producer
Christopher Jones


Remembering Leonard Nimoy (00:01:33)
Axanar Updates (00:13:10)


Feature: Building Ares Studios
Dean Newberry (00:18:08)
Curtis Laseter (00:29:51)

Closing (00:37:20)

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