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Axanar Podcast # 18 VFX with Tobias Richter

By February 1, 2015Axanar News

Axanar 18: Tobias Richter Talks Building Beautiful Starships.

Star Trek may be more about the ideas and the people, but incredible ships and visual effects tie it all together. And while modern technology theoretically gives anyone the power to create effects once possible only in a big Hollywood studio, computers are merely a tool. To create truly stunning and believable visuals requires a rare talent. Axanar has one of the best in the business in Tobias Richter, whose work is renowned not just here on Earth but in every corner of the Alpha Quadrant—and beyond.

In this episode of the official Axanar podcast, hosts Robert Meyer Burnett and Alec Peters are joined by Tobias to learn about his love of starships, how he came to be one of the genres leading designers, how he came to work on Axanar, his starship workflow, and what he has in store for us next.

In our news segment we bring you an update on Ares Studios, pay a visit to patch heaven, get the latest on model production, and find out more about the Four Years War book anthology.

Hosts Robert Meyer Burnett and Alec Peters

Guest Tobias Richter

Editor and Producer Christopher Jones

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  • James Harper says:

    This was a really good show, and there’s. The great Tony “Candy Man” Todd. Awsom, I would really love to be a part of what you guys are doing. As a long time fan of Trek, it would be s dream come true, but oh well; Keep up the great work.

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