A lot has happened for Axanar to close out 2014, and as we transition to a new and exciting year we bring you up to date. In this episode of the official Axanar podcast Christopher Jones passes the hosting baton over to Robert Meyer Burnett who then digs deep into the key developments that have set Axanar up to find the essence of Star Trek. In fact, we discover that independent productions may just be a way of life! Find out about the new Ares Studios in Valencia—soon to be home to Axanar sets and the sci-fi film school—plans for production, the thirty-mile rule, and catch up on the status of the Axanar Blu-ray and DVD development with the producer himself.
Here’s how to listen…
Show Notes and Streaming: http://trek.fm/axp/15
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Stitcher: http://hyprch.nl/sti-ax
Downcast and Instacast: Search for “Axanar” RSS Feed: http://axanar.libsyn.com/rss
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