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Axanar Podcast # 4 with Rob Burnett is live!

By August 6, 2014April 29th, 2016Axanar News

Axanar Podcast #4: Putting the Puzzle Together

Editing Prelude to Axanar with Robert Meyer Burnett.

Even before Prelude to Axanar premiered at San Diego Comic Con, the trailer let fans know that this wasn’t just another fan film. The writing, acting, sound design, visual effects, and directing all turned the collective head of fandom. But someone had to pull all those pieces together and assemble them into a two-and-half-minute package. That man is Robert Meyer Burnett, the same man who has dazzled fans with the documentaries and extras found on the TNG and Enterprise Blu-ray sets.

In this episode of official Star Trek: Axanar podcast we’re joined by Rob who tells us the story of how he got involved in the project, how he condensed Prelude to Axanar into that final trailer (which was originally five minutes long!) and how working on Axanar differs from other projects he’s been part of. As a bonus, we close out the discussion with the story behind the TNG single-disc Blu-ray releases like “The Best of Both Worlds” and why those exist.

In our news segment we recap Star Trek Las Vegas events and the screening of Prelude to Axanar, get an update on Kickstarter, find out more about Garrett Wang’s upcoming life as a warrior, and get set to invade Houston Comic Con.

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