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An Axanar Update: SDCC, Feature Film Kickstarter, And “Prelude” Goes Live!

By July 30, 2014February 2nd, 2016Axanar Production Notes

We are absolutely amazed by the outpouring of your support and love for our project!  The newest Kickstarter campaign to fund the 90 minute feature film of “Axanar” went live on Friday July 25th, and by midnight on Tuesday the 29th, our supporters had gotten us to the first goal!  We absolutely could not have done this without each and everyone of you on Team Axanar.  Thank you, from the bottom of our warp nacelles.

The 20 minute Prelude To Axanar had it’s world premiere with a red carpet event during San Diego’s Comic Con International featuring the cast and crew, sharing the results from weeks of hard work.  Our dedicated team of professionals are unlike any other, and once you’ve seen Prelude, you’ll understand what we mean.

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Comments and reviews are coming in by the transporter load, here are some highlights:

An article about the second kickstarter going live over on Tech Authority here.

Some mentions on Trek.Com of our trip to Las Vegas Star Trek Convention this weekend, where we’ll be showing Prelude on a big screen!

TrekMovie.Com did a feature about the kickstarter and the premiere.

An update and coverage of both kickstarter campaigns on Aggressive Comix.

A review of Prelude from

The quotes from YOU!  We’d love to know what you think, please let us know after you’ve watched Prelude, which you can watch on the official Kickstarter page.

James Cawley:  “I just got to see Prelude to Axanar last night, and I have to say what an incredible job the entire team has done! It was completely enjoyable and so very well done! Kudos and Bravo to all! As Gene Roddenberry once said “STAR TREK LIVES!”

Christophe Pettus:  “I’m just blown away with how good that looks. It’s the most Star Trek-feeling Star Trek production I’ve seen in a long time.”

Amy Liebert from Kentucky said “Just saw Prelude.  Seriously amazing stuff- I believe the *technical* term is ‘gobsmacked’.  Picking the pieces of my ‘sploded head up off the floor now while my inner Trekkie teenager weeps with delight.”

Graeme Spencer “Spectacular, deserves a full cinematic release. Absolutely brilliant work.”

Joshua McHugh:  “ So…you know the joke that “The History Channel” used to be “The Hitler Channel,” because all it would show was WWII documentaries? That’s what I want with this. Just….Axanar documentaries. All over the place. That was phenomenal. I can’t WAIT for the feature!”

Dave Combe:  “The first real Star Trek in 9 years. My god. Fantastic work.”

The com is open, we await your transmissions.


Join the discussion 7 Comments

  • Adam La Juene says:

    Just saw Prelude to Axanar and it is better than I thought it would by. The respect for the franchise is clear and present, my complements to the cast and crew and may the Great Bird of The Galacy bless your planet.

  • Mathijs says:

    It was truly an amazing piece of film. There is continuity, something JJ Abrahams destroyed. I really love all those references to the prime universe. For that budget it’s amazing! I’m trilled to see the feature film Axanar and I can’t wait that long 😀

  • Gunnar Magaret says:

    Axamar was a brilliant star trek masterpiece true genuine documentary and the actors in it were great. The Energy in this was very powerful keep up the great work makes me looking forward to seeing star trek axanar. Every moment you felt the emotion and everything you couldn’t tell they were actors they really came into character.

  • Will says:

    All I can say is…WOW!!!!!!

    Prelude To Axanar is wonderfully filmed, and a fresh breath of air to the Star Trek Franchise! Kudos to the production team, Actors/Actresses, and staff involved in this monumental undertaking!! I CAN NOT wait for the full feature film, and wish you all the best in your production endeavors!

  • DaveK says:

    This production will put Hollywood on notice. Just like the Internet fractured the media, it will now seriously disrupt the movie business. If mere “fans” can make a blockbuster sci-fi film with crowd-funding, then I won’t say it’s game-over, but game-changing. Believe me, there’s a Paramount executive who saw the Prelude and then promptly wet his pants. According to Wikipedia, Star Trek: Into Darkness had a budget of $185 million. The 90-minute Axanar feature is slated for $250 THOUSAND, and if it’s half as good as the Prelude suggests, studio and production heads are about to explode. Disruptors on maximum indeed.

  • Chris says:

    Guys, I have watched this short film a dozen and I fall in love with it every time I watch. It is Star Trek. It has a great cast, production, make-up, computer graphics are just as good as or even better than a big budget production. You guys have hit a Gland Slam with this. As a Star Trek TOS fan in the original universe, I love this. Great job guys.

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