If you follow our Facebook page, you saw the announcement earlier today about Prelude To Axanar‘s red carpet premiere at San Diego Comic! And if you DON’T follow us on Facebook, you should! Here is the update about SDCC:
The theater venue is secured, the stars are scheduled to attend, the film is nearing the end of post production, and now it’s up to you, our wonderful fans, to make your plans to attend the red carpet gala and world premiere of Prelude to Axanar on July 26th, 2014!
We’ve rented the largest auditorium at Horton Plaza UA/Regal Cinemas in San Diego for a 9pm special screening and panel discussion with the cast and crew. AND our fans will have a chance to win tickets to attend, so stay tuned for more info on how you and a friend can witness in stories-tall glory the next level of independent Trek as it should be experienced — in a cinema with 5.1 surround sound!
We also need a few volunteers to help mingle and pass out Star Trek: Axanar promo material at San Diego Comic-Con, Star Trek Las Vegas, The Houston Con, and Dragon*Con in Atlanta this year, so if you’re in or will be in the area then we’d be most grateful if you could help. There will be punch and pie, and some great Axanar swag in it for you as a thank you. Each volunteer will also receive a credit as “Marketing Assistant” in the film to immortalize your contributions, too. Send us a message through the official Facebook page, or send our Marketing Manager Terry McIntosh, also known as ‘big red shirt’ due to his profile photo, a private message via Facebook if you’ll be able to help evangelize this amazing project with us!
can not wait to see this! Hope I am lucky enough to get tickets for me and my family to come while we are at Comic Con this year.. Should be a blast.
Question,,, how do we get tickets for the SDCC screening event July 26th ?
And do you still need some help pass out Star Trek: Axanar promo material. There are three of us and we some free time ( a couple hours) during the con …