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Prelude to Axanar: Backer Kit Updates!

In case you missed it earlier this month, we released the first official trailer for the Prelude to Axanar 20 minute prequel to the Axanar film project.  You can check out the trailer here.

You also may have noticed we’ve been updating our Prelude backer kits with some awesome swag.  This is just one of the Prelude to Axanar 11×17 one-sheet printed posters created by the amazing artist Juan Ortiz that you’ll receive for a donation of $75 or more, so if you haven’t yet backed the project then it’s certainly not too late to do so by clicking here.

Where else has Axanar been lately?  Well, after our trailer release, we were featured on Trek News.Com, (a site for all our Spainish speaking friends), Trekclivos, io9, and several other sites.

We are hoping to premiere the entire 20 minutes of Prelude To Axanar at San Diego Comic Con, we’ll keep you updated with details as they get hammered out.

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  • Lee Benjamin says:

    Great news! Glad to see such significant progress on this project. It’s amazing what you can do with the right team!

  • william says:

    Looked promising as soon as I saw Tony Todd (Bird, Lean On Me, Platoon, Next Generation), Gary Graham (The Incredible Hulk, Alien Nation, Enterprise) and kate Vernon (Heroes, Malcolm X, Voyager) were taking lead roles in this independent production. You can’t go wrong with experienced and versatile practitioners whose acting always transcends beyond our expectations leaving lasting impressions.

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